

or click HERE to make a one-time donation

Dear Potential Sponsor,

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, our program operates seamlessly thanks to the unwavering dedication of our volunteers. Our competitive program serves approximately 130 local youth ages 9-18 and is growing. Player development is at the heart of our mission, and we are committed to nurturing talent, providing education, and inspiring a lifelong love for the beautiful game of soccer. 

We believe that the game of soccer should be accessible to everyone.  We are able to maintain our registration fees affordable for the families in our local community because of generous sponsors like you.  Your tax deductible donations assist us in maintaining the high quality our local youth deserve, and help pay for equipment, training gear, field maintenance, referee fees, tournaments, player scholarships, and more.   

Below are some suggested packages based on our program's current needs along with the benefits your donation could have on you and/or your business.  Should you have questions or alternate ideas please contact sponsorships@westsaccompsoccer.org.  

In partnership,

West Sacramento Competitive Soccer   



Each package includes opportunities for sponsor's to determine whether 

their donation should be used to support

 a team, overall player skills & development, or game day.  

Best viewed in desktop mode if using a cell phone or tablet  

RED - $350

Name/logo listed on website's Sponsorship Tab

1 Social Media Shoutout

Team Package

1 Player Scholarship

Skills Package

Fundamental Practice Kit 

(Soccer Balls)

Game Day Package

Snacks & Drinks for 

Home Game Snack Bar

BLUE - $750

Name/logo listed on website's Sponsorship Tab

3 Social Media Shoutouts per Year

Business Logo Visibility

Team Package

Skills Package

Game Day Package

BRONZE - $1,500

Name/logo listed on website's 

Homepage & Sponsorship Tab

6 Social Media Shoutouts per Year

Business Logo Visibility

Team Package


Skills Package

Game Day Package

SILVER - $2,500

Name/logo listed on website's 

Homepage & Sponsorship Tab

9 Social Media Shoutouts per Year

Business Logo Visibility

Team Package

Skills Package

Game Day Package

GOLD - $5,000

Name/logo listed on website's 

Homepage & link to business website 

and/or social media on Sponsorship Tab

12 Social Media Shoutouts per Year

Business Logo Visibility

Team Package

Skills Package

Game Day Package